
Sunday, April 25, 2010

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.

" A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner".. I found this piece of wisdom is related to everyone and for me too. The wisdom is related to life at sea ( for mariner) but it has extra connection with myself.

Sometime we just have to understand that all the hard rocks we encountered in our life is necessary in order for us to become a better and well prepared person in life. Imagine if your life is smooth and steady like calm sea..we will never learn anything so do the mariner never become a skilled person.

"A sailor does not learn his trade by sailing on calm seas. His job is one of apprenticeship, which means he will learn to do his trade by doing the work. Therefore the sailor must experience the turmoil of the sea in order to successfully learn how to do his job; just like people need to make mistakes to help them learn. Our lives would be lacking substance if we did not hit a few rough waves along the way." [Ian Brodie]

I believe that life is an experience that made us a better person, it can be good but the good things doesn't happen over night. It take a lot of handworks, preparations and courage to learn for previous failures. I found when the life hits me with one of those rough waves i'm comforted to know I am a strong swimmer. I just love my life no matter how hard it is. I will keep working hard because the harder I work the luckier I become.
