
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Never regret what I've done before...

Life is so beautiful when I started to love my life..
I found happiness in everything I do even a small nap makes me so happy and not to forget a small coffee made by mum with love ..I begin to appreciate all now.
It's just how I decide to live my life changed me wholly....a smile and often laugh makes the people around me happy too..
Life is not how I live it but how I changed someone's life in small way..I did it with just a simple smile to everyone I meet all these while..a contagious laugh with my family members and my friends..and also with my simple shout out in my Facebook Network..
Happiness is something all of us want for life time but some said dun go after happiness let it come to you..but I personally think to be happy we must change ourselves and also change the way we think ..coz there is a small rules on how to be happy...

Remember these five simple rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hatred...let go of ur painful past
2. Free your mind from is too short to keep track of ur worries
3. Live simply....give your best shot everyday as ur last...
4. Give more....the more you gave ..the more you'll get back in return..happiness
5. Expect less....dun expect anything in return..let it happen naturally.

The rules had changed my life and also the way I think, I love my life so much and I'm living a good life. I have no regretz of what I've done before..all the mistakes I have done is mine and my success belongs to the people around me...All my actions comes back to me...either good or bad. I accept it with a big heart. Life is mine to live..I live it in my own way..I will leave a small foot print in all the lives that I have come across...hope it's change their life in sum ways. All I want is to add colors to other lives by just being happy always...I do have my sad moments but I will alwiz fight back by believing EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON......and the reason is good. Be optimistic do change the way I think....

'Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I’ll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored away, just for this time in my life.'

Smile Alwiz...


There's always a beautiful rainbow after a heavy rain drops.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The thing that makes me happy, even though I might fail to realise it is love and caring. I like to spend quiet time at home with my family and hang out with my friends. Having the ability to make people laugh is always my pleasure. And I’ll never lose it for life time. Somehow, in my life I learned trusting people is always a risk, coz I did end up letting someone invaded my privacy. I believe in destiny and I’ll go where it takes me too. I know deep in my heart I’ll find that someone special who’ll complete me in an unimaginable way and make me feel truly content. I still remember these phase and I’ll remember it for life time.“Never see what suits he wear and never look what car he drives”. I never cares what others talk about me, cause people will always like to talk about others, that's just the nature of life. But, sometimes I love the reality of life where I found reasons to believe I'm just a girl next door and I have so many unaccomplished job. Being the only daughter is not an easy task, I just have to be an independent girl all the time and the one that my parents can rely on. Sometimes the hopes they have on me is just huge and I'm afraid I can't stand up to it, but then I realize it's just a matter of time. I believe there's always a beautiful rainbow after a heavy rain drops.. I love my life no matter how hard it is, I live like there's no tomorrow.Not to forget, I love my family and my friends...and the list goes on....Live..Laugh..Love..

Friday, September 18, 2009

Homework + Holiday....

I just can't understand y I'm too lazy to finish my works...I have so so so so many homework to be done but just lazy to kick start.
What should i do...?? I dun no..
But what I'm do for d past few dayz..

Sleeping d whole day
Dancing like no wan watching..
Sing like no wan listening...

OMG..I'm serious goin crazy soon. But the best things of all is..I can just sit back and relax for hours and dun have to think about rushing to submit report, assignments and etc..

Tatz y i just luv tis holiday...