
Saturday, December 5, 2009


Everyone must come across the word ‘MISTAKE’ at least more than once in their life. It can be one mistake, two mistakes or dozen of mistakes. We make mistakes Yesterday, Today and perhaps maybe Tomorrow. Every minute in our life we make some big decision and there is a mistake one it, then we tend to put the blame on others or so on. I believe there is no such thing learns from mistake made by others than our own mistake. I just go out there make my own mistake in my life and I learn more from it. There are moments where I am down, hurt and crying but I managed to find my way up and I’ll make sure I’ll always find it even sometimes I have to struggle through it.
I believe life is too short to stay down there and crying when you’re can just do much better by just taking another turn around to see what else there for me. I just got to believe ‘Everything happens for a reason.’ I do it. I get a chance in my life and I took it, even there is doubt in myself on how I going make the cuts. Nobody said it will be easy, but they did promise it would be worth. Thus here I’m sitting with much pleasure in front of my computer and writing about it, on other part I just walk in to CTRM as Industrial Trainee.
I learned a lot from the mistake I’ve made in my life and now I’m just trying to do thing in a better way. It’s not what you look like or what you have. It always about living the life in our own way and keep in track all those tiny things in life that make it all worthwhile.

As for me..
Watching the moon during the cold nights. Spending time doing crazy things with my friends. Sip through a hot Milo during heavy rain drops. Looking at the mirror and smile. Singing as no one could hear me. Laughing. Draw the heart with the name of someone. Failing in love with the long nights. Catching the rain drops in my hand. Doing something really crazy with my hair and get through my days like no pain in it. 

Not everyone is lucky two get second chance in life and as for me I take the first one as my last one. I learned from my past and I’m and I’ll cherish each of every part of it. I did regret few things that happened in my life but I always believed and do remind myself that 'Everything in Life Happens For A Reason.'

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