
Sunday, December 26, 2010

IF I RISE's been really really long since my last post here..!! But today I have something to write...maybe it will help because to some...THIS is what they really need!!


 "If I thought I wanted more
  Get the life more
  Just one more call
  Though I've never lost
  ....Believe I don't care 
       Never again"


Saturday, October 2, 2010

1st October..2010..Friday

Yesterday was Friday 1st October 2010,

Things been little different lately for all of us...I don't know what happened but I don't like this situation and I know that I have no control of what is happening around me. Still very much the same girl with lot of unaccomplished works, dreams, and responsibilities. And with shattered dreams...but I'm strong enough to get through this one part of my life...'What is happening around you now is just 0.01% of your life'...thanks to my sweet friend who were there when I felt so lonely. Life become so numb yet I love my life so much and I still smile and laugh even one part of myself is crying with all the pains that I endured. May it's good to cry while you're sleeping, because when you're awaken you don't have time to cry..!! Life is still moving on with months are slipping through...finally it's October's always been very special month for me..and I love everything about October because October is just so special in my eyes...with birthdays..with family gathering..but October also is the month for student to undergo their exams...:) Since yesterday was the first friday of the month...and I had lighten a deepam light at Ganesha temple, with the hope the shine  from the light will brighten someone's life and will make them strong enough to get through this hard times. Praying to my ganesha will always make me feel calm and serene. Have a faith in god is just a little part of your must also work hard in life to achieve what you been dreaming off. Nothing comes easy..if it does..remember it won't last for long. So, work your life..keep on dreaming..pray good to others..and live your life to fullest.

Happy October days ahead...
Hope things will get better for all those suffering ..with a wish Happy Times Ahead..:)


Sunday, September 26, 2010

My fall might never rise again

I can't think of rise anymore..the one word that I fond for long, teach me some great things which I'll never forget for the rest of my life. How simple it was i can't find my way, because I stumbled with that one phrase that killing me all the time...Can i just leave and never return again..does anyone ever written to be with me and guide me or i'm destined to walk alone to my destination..Reality of my life..Just me and myself understand..perhaps no one will.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.


Very praises to him...he will alwiz guide me in this life...

Friday, September 24, 2010

A gal hunger for love......A guy with an ambition

You'll never know how much I'm hurt....
I never hate you, but trust me with all you words and actions..I being to hate you!!
I'm broken into piece, you started everything and you left me and asking me to be your friend..
I'm left here without an answer to all my questions. Thinking back makes me feel so vulnerable to towards all those sweet words of your..was it a lie?? I'm crying in my heart because of you, after seeing that post I know for sure my world collapse. I never able to learn to love again..I never do anything to you , why why you make me feel so unlucky...If it's true you are chasing your dream why you make me fall for you. All those conversation we had was merely a lie?? You fooled me..

I hate a guy with sweet words..!! I really do...I'm not interest in people who are playing a fool...!!

You're last sentence "he chasing his dream..have no time to love...!!!n this gal waiting for his love...left her dreams " I was left numb...what else I could say. I'm just unlucky..I should never talked to you...should never answered your calls..

- Past-

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Something very beautiful...

Take look at it...
   Take your sweet time reading it...
       Make yourself understand it...
           Have a Beautiful Life...and Good One Too...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Undeniable truth..

Yet, above all these one thing for sure is 'Life Goes On'....

I just can't deny...

I just can't deny.......
Sometimes the memories comes and go.......
Sometimes I'm alone no matter how happy I am......
Sometimes I question myself can I ever trust anyone like I did before.......
Sometimes I just hate all the lies....broken promises....
Sometimes I'm happy it happened........
When forgiving it hard........i just learn to forget...
But now I'm very strong...

You are my illusionary past......will never be my present and future..
I owned you a big thank you for all the sweet memories and the lies too...
You made me realize of the mistakes I shouldn't do in my future...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Maybe I'm lucky...erm..nope I am lucky...'s been quite long since my last post, and today I felt like writing again after so long. Moreover, I'm happy and fully content and not to forget i'm feeling lucky. There is an old saying “Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” - Dalai Lama.  This words ring a bell in my ears very frequent nowadays until i finally realized it. Sometimes we just cant accept the fact that something that we want the most is something we cant have, i cried and lost hope went everything I ever dreamed for falls apart. But, my faith never let me down, it uphold me and turned me into more positive and optimistic person. I choose to remain the way I'm but i become more open-minded on approaching those sugar coating of others. My life has always been the best teacher and I'm still learning and i always will. The main reason I'm still fighting and will always be because I firmly believe life is beautiful and it's depends on how you color it. I'm painting my parents dream and I believe while i'm painting it my own life will be brighten too. I'm a sunshine and that will always turns me around when I'm sad. I love my life so much now even sometimes i felt very alone but I can cure it through having  a good laughter with my sweet cousins and friends..It doesnt mean I'm looking for one, just as for now I dun have the courage to put my trust in any kind of relationship. It's kind of hard to believe in people but I believe one day my prince charming will come and make my days full with loves and happiness. It just not the right time yet...let the fishing done my parents while i'm enjoying the colors of painting..:)  

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Essence of Life

Long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he likes, then the Emperor would give him the area of land he has covered. Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He kept on riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. When he was hungry or tired, he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much area as possible. After traveling for quite sometime he came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and by now he was completely exhausted and was dying. Then he asked himself, "Why did I push myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself." 

The above story is similar with the journey of our Life.We push very hard everyday to make more money, to gain power and recognition. In the process, We neglect our health,time with our familyand to appreciate the surrounding beauty and the hobbies we love. And one day when we look back, we realize that we don't really need that much , but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed. Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recognition . Life is definitely not about work! Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life. Life is a balance of Work and PlayFamily and Personal time. 

You have to decide how you want to balance your Life. Define your priorities, realize what you are able to compromise. but always let some of your decisions be based on your instincts. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of Life, the whole aim of humanexistenceSo, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature. 

Life is fragile , Life is short. Do not take Life for granted. Live a balanced  lifestyle and enjoy Life! Watch your thoughts  ; they become words. 

Watch your actions  ; they become habits. 

Watch your habits; they become character .
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny 

Thank you.

p/s: This post i found in one of my favourite blog that I used to read when ever I'm free. The blog called Essence of Life. 


Saturday, June 26, 2010

People from my view.....

'We don't always have a choice how we get to know one another. Sometimes, people fall in our lives cleanly - as if out of sky, or as if there where a direct flight from Heaven to Earth - the same sudden way we lose people, who once seemed they would always be part of our lives.'


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ingrid Michaelson - Maybe (Official Music Video)

I don't want to be the one to say goodbye
But I will, I will, I will
I don't want to sit on the pavement while you fly
But I will, I will, oh yes I will

Maybe in the future, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back around
Maybe in the future, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back
The only way to really know is to really let it go
Maybe you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back to me

I don't want to be the first to let it go
But I know, I know, I know
If you have the last hands that I want to hold
Then I know I've got to let them go

Maybe in the future, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back around
Maybe in the future, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back
The only way to really know is to really let it go
Maybe you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back

I still feel you on the right side of the bed
And I still feel you in the blankets pulled over my head
But I'm gonna wash away, oh I'm gonna wash away everything til you come home to me

Maybe in the future, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back
In the future, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back

Maybe in the future, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back around
Maybe in the future, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back
The only way to really know is to really let it go

Maybe you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back, you're gonna come back to me
You're gonna come back to me
You're gonna come back to me

Friday, June 18, 2010

Once I mark it I will never miss it...

Some people lost in the jungle call 'Life', some managed to get through it without any problem but there is a can't see it coming that is the main problem. My main problem is my mind: i used to stuck in the middle and ask myself what the heck I'm doing. But, then i just ignored it. But now I can't ignore it, I have to finish what I have start and my finishing must be perfect no defect at all. Would you imagine that..perfection?? Haiz..but once I mark it I know i will never miss it...there alwiz an option for everything in life. Don't just give me excuse by saying 'Salini you don't have a choice??' There alwiz a second and third choice in life..which you gotta make it first. Chase the dream life you had in your mind than settling for the one that comes along. But while chasing after something don't miss your's happening right in front of your eyes...Open you eyes!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Love in Bob Marley eyes....

"Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.

My life is my biggest gift and I'll make a good out of it. Love my life so much and I love myself more before I love anyone else.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Am I complicated..??
Or the people around me complicated??
Or the situation makes things complicated??

Watever it is I must stay POSITIVE all the times. Pilaiyaar appa please give me the strength to go through everything that comes my way. May the path that I've chosen to cross has a good ending at the end of the road. Make me believe when I was about losing the faith on it coz sometimes things are in my favor but most of the times it is not..

I can do this..and THIS SHALL PASS TOO..Iduvum Kandandhu Povum.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Living a DREAM

I'm a DREAMER. I'll never give up on pursuing my dreams, I believe nothing in this world is impossible. I have made my decisions long time a ago, but I resist at the first place. Now things have changed in most of the way, my heart and my brain both working in same direction. My determination will bring me to the place I want to go, all I have to do is work hard and harder. Things will never the same for me perhaps for most of 'US', but no matter how harder it is I will stick to my dream and I will work hard. I might have lost for many wonderful things in life, but I love my life much more because I live everyday as my last day on earth. It's just a lovely feeling to be able to love yourself more than others do. I am crazy in my own way but I respect the feeling of others and I will never underestimate the power of dream of anyone. May all your DREAMS come true and keep on working harder and harder. !!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


If you ever find your angel
follow her,
don't let her disappear,
don't let her fly away

Never give up on something that makes you and your heart smile :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm drifting away..

I'm happy with my life
I'm just happy with everything I have at the moment
But, today I realized there is something missing from my ordinary but 'extraordinary' life.
I just don't how to put the pieces back to where it belong.
Why the people I cares the most is the one that hurt me all the time, they forgot who were there when they need a shoulder to cry but when they found another shoulder they throw me like a used tissue. Do I worth of these??
But, then. I told myself it's time to move on..I will be more selfish toward those who hurt me. I stop caring for other, coz it's time for me to take care the people that cares me the most. If they found me worth to lose than I have no problem on it. I hope my decision will never hurt anyone especially the one that I used to loved the most. I'll be lying if I said I won't be there for them but it's just I won't be there for them for the moment. I need to stitch back my heart coz this time I'm the one that cried the most.."nothing gonna change my love for you gurls"

I need some times for myself..I'm sorry if I gonna hurt you with my words..but these pain never gonna heal soon...Time will tell. My silent is the answer to you...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.

" A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner".. I found this piece of wisdom is related to everyone and for me too. The wisdom is related to life at sea ( for mariner) but it has extra connection with myself.

Sometime we just have to understand that all the hard rocks we encountered in our life is necessary in order for us to become a better and well prepared person in life. Imagine if your life is smooth and steady like calm sea..we will never learn anything so do the mariner never become a skilled person.

"A sailor does not learn his trade by sailing on calm seas. His job is one of apprenticeship, which means he will learn to do his trade by doing the work. Therefore the sailor must experience the turmoil of the sea in order to successfully learn how to do his job; just like people need to make mistakes to help them learn. Our lives would be lacking substance if we did not hit a few rough waves along the way." [Ian Brodie]

I believe that life is an experience that made us a better person, it can be good but the good things doesn't happen over night. It take a lot of handworks, preparations and courage to learn for previous failures. I found when the life hits me with one of those rough waves i'm comforted to know I am a strong swimmer. I just love my life no matter how hard it is. I will keep working hard because the harder I work the luckier I become.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Because of you...

I wouldn't care if you called me and woke me up just to talk at two in the morning. I loves arguing, coz I'm good at it. Scary movies make me paranoid. I hates it when people don't call me back. I envies every couple I sees walking around showing their happiness. I only wants to be happy & lately all I thinks about is you..

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I can't make very one happy..but I'm sacrificing my happiness to make the people around me happy. Some just said I'm fool but they never know when I give up my own happiness for the person I love the most, I win more loves and cares. I can't compromise with all, I am not perfect here but I'm trying my best to be myself and not been selfish. My life is complicated like it alwiz do but no one can live it for me, I just have to find my own way out. But... "I believe deep down in my heart that i'm destined to do great things" even sometimes I fail but I will always find my way up. I have a dream, my dream is so big and impossible in your eyes but for me it is the most special thing in life and even a small step towards success makes a huge differences. What i need is love's and care's from people who loves me for who I am and if you did please keep reminding me to 'work hard' and tell me 'lazy SaLiNi get-up'.

'I'm the hero of the story, i don't need to be saved'.

sometimes i have to save myself, but that doesn't mean that i do

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My definition of LOVE....


It is easy to find someone we do love but is very hard to find someone  who truly do love us. Give them a chance to love you because there is a huge difference between u are happy with someone n someone who is happy with you, only with u...
-Happy Valentine's Day...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cherish the memories I had with You...

Goodbye to my dearest friend Azlifah,


All i would like say is 'I Miss You', we really had a gud times together and a bad one too, but we always find our way to get back together. I learn lot from you in so many ways, it's true we never know how one have touch our lives till that person goes away and then only we'll realise it. Az, no matter what happen I'll never gone judge you, it was meant to happened and everything happened for a reason. We have choosed our path and I'm here to wish you all the very best and keep in mind you can always count on me. I'm gonna remember the sweet time we had in our Hostel at TTU and our rent house No75 especially the private investigator job and Nobody Nobody Want Me dance..Hihihi. Love all  cute and tough time I spend together with you including our shopping spree's together. There are some many things that remind me of you, here i put as my best and ever best you girl. Where ever life thats you, I wish you will stay strong and fight for your own happiness....


Both of 'us' at JJ 

Our Lovely Night at Jonker Street....with my besties Az n Yen

During Az '22' burfday at McDonald..happy gurl.

Tis Perlis..long time ago..

 Inside the Kabel Car at Genting Highlands...2009. 
Last day we been together...miss you.

Equestrian first day...

-diwali open house at my cottage...-
How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to...
-Love you gurl...Az-

-Friends Forever-

Thursday, February 11, 2010

As time goes, you'll realize who is your best friend and who is not..

It's funny looking at how people changed their self easily, just because they found the security in others. I hate to put here but as this is the only channel where I can write about what i feel without a fear in myself. She was and gonna remain as it for the time being as my friend, we shared a gud times together but as we moved on we just tend to forget things easily. Perhaps, I might did a mistake here, I alwiz helped you whenever you want it, just because you find the replacement of me, you threw me like a used tissues. For god sake, all this years am I just your companion rite?? Y you're so selfish, did you realized it because I helpless and I have decided not to turn back and wait for a unrequited friendship. Still remember, you asked me to companion to bank even though you already have a companion there, but when I need a help all you would do is keep yourself silent and invisible. It hurt more than word can describe it. Thank you so much for all you have done for me and today I wish you all the best in your life. A friend of mine, told me 'sumtimes is gud to be selfish because you'll need it to noe the limit of your friendship' . I need put a limit in friendship because out of all relationship in life only friendship never asked anything in return. But you always want something in return and I have to give you the credit you're just too good in it. Sorry to say I can tolerate anything else in my life but not the one I asked you this time around, I asked you in very humble and helpless way but the answer you gave me made me realise you're not the friend who I can't count on and why in this earth I should be a friend you can count on.. I am just an ordinary girl, who made mistake in my life but I valued my friendship a lot. If you just can help a reply will be better but the hide and seek game is more than hurting.

Sorry, I don't want it anymore. We will be friends but not the like the one before. I'll never blame you for the failure of our friendship, because not every ship share the same core value of friendship. You been there for me and I was there for you, I had to say it's hard to let go something every close to my heart but I have too. God make me a stronger person and give me the strength to keep me going. 

-Emotional breakdown-



Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pressure in myself...

Lately I'm under alot of pressure, how I am gonna cope with it??? It's like me getting weaker day by day and there is nothing I can do about it. Sumtimes, i wish I can just run way or sleep like there is no 2moro. Y put me here and gave me such pressure to work with. I can work under pressure but the stress I'm having now gave me no chance to prove myself. Yet, I have no choice coz life sumtimes gave us no choice....My magic word will alwiz be one, never, never,never give up in life. Hope this magic word will keep me strong as ever, and I need it on my side forever...Life alwiz give me a reason to believe 2moro will be a bright day for me...I want see the sunshine you sunshine..

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cherrapunji...Caught my attention...

Cherrapunji is a small town situated in East Khasi Hill District in Indian State of Meghayala. It's ironically known as the wettest place in the earth. The cliffs of Cherrapunji receive heavy rainfall due to monsoon winds blowing from the bay of Bengal.

It made a world record of 1,041 inches of rain in 1861. North eastern part of India is full of natural treasures with lush green canopies, valleys, mountains, rocky hills, rivers, diverse flora and fauna.Orchards of oranges and pineapple are the common sight of Cherrapunji. It is a 60 kilometer drive from the state’s capital Shillong, and is situated 1290 meters above sea level.



Here the bridges aren't built but they're grown in their own, unbelievable right?? This is the awesome bio-engineering of the living bridges of Cherrapunji.







I will sure gonna visit this wonderful place called Cherrapunji one day..for now I am admiring the beautiful the views from this pictures..


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Past ...Present..

Sometimes the past is something you just can't let go of. And sometimes the past is something we’ll do anything to forget. And sometimes we learn something new about the past that changes everything we know about the present.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

No more holding back....

It's time to wake up and I back now, no more tear drops or mean-less nites. Everything has changed since the last two months. There are reason for everything that had happened but I just dun feel the to talk about it anymore. But I not gonna sit down and regret bcoz it happened, instead I'm lucky coz it's over now..Apart from that, nothing inside me has changed, still the same girl..but i tink i put some weight edi ooh. Working life is not the same like my university all very different the culture, the environment, the people and even ur best friend also can show their true color..For me everyday turns out to be better even sometimes there are up's and down's but I'm very lucky because my family members, my relatives and my friends are alwiz there for wipe my tears and to encourage me. That makes my life wonderful enouf...the love and support is what a human being really want in moments when they lost their hopes on life....but cling on someone very special will come along to let you noe I'm there for you...that one moment will suddenly turn into a colorful in seconds.. All I have to do is....
Someone will always catch you when you fall, and it won't be who you thought it would be. The people that love you the most might watch you fall and wait to congratulate you when you find your own way back up. This doesn't mean they love you less, they just know that you're stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Lesson of the day: The dark cloud will shall pass,too...